France Outdoor Activities & Adventurous Things To Do
Summer and winter, France has some of the planet’s best terrain for your favourite outdoor activities. Mountain bike the French Alps and the Pyrenees. Strike out on a multi-day trek around the mighty Mont Blanc. Raft the wild rivers of the southern French Alps. Rock climb overhanging limestone in Provence. Explore remote canyons in the Ardèche. Surf legendary barrels in south-west France. Ski or snowboard the 4000 m peaks of the Chamonix Valley.
The hyper-active need never rest, when it comes to outdoor activities, France is unrivalled. So grab your sense of adventure, say goodbye to sensible and hit the mountains, beaches and rivers of France for an unforgettable adventure.
Winter activities
France’s Best Outdoor Activity destinations
Please leave a comment below if you need advice to help you organise your outdoor activities in France, or if you have any recommendations to help us improve this page. Bonnes vacances!